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study smart

Shaurya Solanki

(here are some study tips straight from my psych notes)


1. Interest: The brain prioritizes by meaning, value, and relevance so u remember things better if you are interested

• Find a study partner

• Do extra practice or research

• Teach it to someone else (this works so well!)


2. Intent: be actively paying attention. Very little learning actually takes place without attention

• Use a concentration check sheet (every time u get distracted, put a check on your sheet. This is supposed to program your mind to pay attention)

• While u read, talk back to the author

• Ask questions during lectures (this is scary I know!! But do it!)


3. Basic Background: make connections to what you already know

• Preview and skim the material before u read it. or google it!

• Write out a list of vocab words before a lecture and leave some spaces between them to fill in during the lecture

• Read ahead of lectures

• Watch crash course tbh


4. Selectivity: start by studying what's important

• Look for bolded words, graphics, pictures, chapter review questions in your readings

• Listen for verbal clues like emphasis and repetition during lectures

• Make yourself a study guide as u read and write down questions for yourself to answer later as a review (kinda like Cornell notes)


5. Meaningful organization- u can learn better if u group ideas into different categories

• Apply vocab words to your life

• Make flashcards and sort them (try not to have more than seven items in one category!)

• Use mnemonics


6. Recitation: saying ideas aloud in your own words strengthens synaptic connections! When u say something aloud you are forcing yourself to pay attention

• After u read, ask yourself questions

• Talk about what u learned w/ classmates outside of class

• Again, teach someone else


7. Visualization: your brain's quickest and longest-lasting response is to images

• Convert info into a chart or graph

• Draw it out

• Make a mental video of a process

• Look at picture/video examples


8. Association: memory is increased when facts are consciously associated with something you already know.

Memory = making neural connections

• Ask yourself: is this something I already know?


9. Consolidation: give your brain some time to establish a neural pathway

• Make a list of what u remember from class

• Review notes at the end of the day, every day

• Stop after reading each paragraph to write a question in your notes

• Make your own practice quiz


10. Distributed practice: We all know cramming doesn't work, but we do it anyway! But yeah short and frequent study sections work better

• Make a daily/weekly study schedule

• Create a time budget/time tracker (track everything you're doing for a week and see how u can be more efficient w/ the time u waste)

• Divide the reading/vocab by the number of days before an exam and do a little each day (u can use sticky notes to divide your reading)


Other tips:

• Stop stressing! This sounds stupid, and it isn't going to be easy, but anxiety causes u to lose focus.

• Try your best to think positively. Sleep a lot. Minimize your caffeine intake. Take a walk maybe

• When u need to remember something, look upward or close your eyes (when your eyes are open, you're using visual parts of your brain that u might not need to be using)

• Find a rival! (like the person right above u in class rank) secretly compete for w/ them (envy can improve mental persistence be it makes u focus more intensely) but don't overdo it!

• Walking and sleeping build memory storage in your brain

• Eat flavonoids! (grapes, berries, tea leaves, cocoa beans make neurons in the brain more capable of forming new memories + increase blood flow to the brain)

• Obstacles force your brain to try harder, so space learning lessons apart or create a puzzle to solve or change your physical setting

Stitch It!


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